lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

Revolutionary “Smart Wing” Created for UAV Model Demonstrates Groundbreaking Technology

Stratasys and Optomec Inc. announced that the companies successfully completed a joint development project to merge 3D printing and printed electronics to create the world’s first fully printed electro-mechanical structure.

The development of a “smart wing” for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) model with functional electronics is a revolutionary event that has the potential to change product development in industries including medical device, consumer electronics, automotive and aerospace. An Optomec Aerosol Jet system was used to print a conformal sensor, antenna and circuitry directly onto the wing of a UAV model. The wing itself was 3D printed with the Stratasys Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) process. The electrical and sensor designs were provided by Aurora Flight Sciences, a supplier of UAVs. The combination of FDM 3D printing and printed electronics technologies can provide benefits over traditional prototyping, manufacturing and field repair processes. Performance and functionality of products can be improved in two ways: 3D printers enable lighter weight mechanical structures; and conformal electronics printed directly onto the structure frees up space for additional payload. In turn, the process has a positive impact on the environment by using fewer materials. Manufacturers can implement this technology in a multitude of applications, not just in aerospace. This technology can benefit numerous industries by allowing thinner, lighter, fully functional structures that cost less to manufacture.

FDM Telescoping Wing UAV

Engineers at MIT Lincoln Laboratory (Cambridge, MA) 3D printed (FDM technology on a Fortus 400mc) a UAV with telescoping wings made of Ultem 9085.

Structure was primarily FDM except for a carbon fiber backbone that all the parts were attached to. Designed to be highly modular, the aircraft was essentially 3 reconfigurable pieces: the fuselage pod on the front with the avionics and batteries, the wings, and the empennage.

To adjust the CG for different payloads all the parts can be moved around. The wings are printed without support material (an option only available with Fortus 3D Production Systems) with an internal structure that made them pretty strong (see above video). 

viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

FDM-printed fixed wing UAV

A team of engineers from the AMRC’s new Design & Prototyping Group (DPG) have designed, manufactured and flight tested a UAV built entirely of ABS plastic, using FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) technology.

The recent increase in the use of both additive layer manufacturing and UAVs has led to the availability of a number of 3D printed UAVs for a range of applications. For printing relatively large components such as a UAV airframe, FDM technology is chosen over stereo lithography and selective laser sintering for its lower initial investment, material cost and simplified process.

The manufacturing aspects of the project were led by Additive Manufacture Development Engineer Mark Cocking: “All parts required for the airframe can be combined onto a single build within the Fortus 900 machine, taking less than 24 hours with ABS-M30 material. Before design for additive manufacture optimisation, this airframe would take over 120 hours to produce.”

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Gran Exito de la I Jornada Técnica de Fabricación Aditiva en el INTA

Organizada por Análisis y Simulación SL se ha celebrado el martes 25 de marzo la I Jornada Técnica de Fabricación Aditiva aplicada a la industria aeroespacial, aeronáutica y militar.

La Jornada se han realizado en la sede del Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA), situada en Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) y durante la misma se han puesto sobre el tapete múltiples casos de éxito sobre fabricación directa de utillaje aeronáutico, aviones no tripulados y componentes aeronáuticos, mostrando hasta qué punto la Fabricación Aditiva está contribuyendo a reducir los costes económicos y el tiempo empleado para el desarrollo de múltiples productos de fabricantes punteros pertenecientes al sector espacial (NASA), aeronautico (Airbus, Bell Helicopter, Boeing, Custom Control Concepts, Evektor, Kelly Manufacturing Company, Pryer) o militar (Danko Arlington, Lucid Dimensions, EOIR Technologies, Gentex Corporation y RLM Investment Castings).

En lo referente a UAVs, David del Fresno sacó a colación los casos de Leptron, DST Control, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, SelectTech Geospatial, Sheppard Air Force Base (USAF), Survey Copter (Airbus Group) y UAV Solutions. El futuro más inmediato en el campo de los UAVs, concluiría David del Fresno, "pasa también por la impresión directa de los circuitos, ámbito en el que Optomec lleva años trabajando intensamente con Stratasys".

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

INTA 25th March: Last available seats

Know and dominate the new technologies of Direct Digital Manufacturing demands the exchange of knowledge. This is what pretends the day organised by Analisis y Simulación (AyS) that will celebrate the Tuesday 25 March, for which remain some available seats. The event will celebrate in the headquarters of the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA) located at Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid)

Últimas plazas disponibles para la Jornada Técnica de AyS en el INTA

Quedan unas pocas plazas disponibles. El evento se celebrará en el Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA) situado en Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid)

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Russia Captures US MQ-5 UAV over Crimea

It's being claimed that Russia hacked and took control of an MQ-5B drone over Crimea. (Read more)

Wildlife Conservation UAV Challenge

A group of University of Colorado students are participating in the Wildlife Conservation UAV Challenge, an international competition among 120 teams to produce the most useful information-gathering drone for identifying poachers... (Read more)

jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014

Appeal of UAV ruling pressures FAA to establish rules

The legal skirmish has focused a bright spotlight on the FAA and turned up the pressure for the federal agency to establish rules for controlled use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or UAVs. Congress has ordered the FAA to set new UAV rules by September 2015 but many observers expect the agency will not meet its deadline. Currently operators of small UAVs or radio-controlled model planes flying below 400 feet can do so only for non-commercial uses, according to FAA operating standards spelled out in a 1981. That was decades before UAV operators saw the potential for aerial photography, crop-dusting and dozens of other commercial uses already permitted around the globe.

Australia: Tritón UAVs to Boost Maritime Surveillance

The Australian Government has committed to the acquisition of the highly-capable Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), subject to the successful completion of the US Navy development programme currently under way. The Triton UAVs will be based in Adelaide, bringing significant economic benefits to South AustraliaThe total number of Triton UAVs to be acquired and their introduction into service date will be further considered by Government in 2016, based on the Defence White Paper.

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

Análisis y Simulación: I Jornada Técnica de Fabricación Aditiva aplicada a la Industria Aeroespacial

La Manufactura Aditiva está revolucionando parte de los procesos en el sector para fabricar aeronaves más ligeras, más baratas, más fiables y más respetuosas con el medio ambiente. Esta jornada tiene como misión mostrar las capacidades actuales y futuras de esta tecnología en continua evolución y crecimiento.

The Additive Manufacturing technologies are revolutionizing the aerospace industry to manufacture lighter, cheaper, more reliable and more environment-friendly aircrafts. This event is focused to show the current and future capabilities of a technology in constant growth and evolution.



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